2010 Feb 26 12:28 PM
Hi Experts,
My requirement is to add serial numbers to Handling Units which are attached to a process order (COWBPACK transaction is used to create handling units for a process order).
Now, it seems that SERNR_ADD_TO_HU is the only function module that can be used for this purpose. So, I used the function module SERNR_ADD_TO_HU and SERIAL_LISTE_POST_HU in sequence. But, unfortunately data is not getting saved in the the database (When I try to see the HU from HU03 transaction I find that, serial numbers are not added to the respective HU). I also used external commit but, it's of no use!
Unfortunately, the function module is also not returning any error messages. Everything runs smooth but, no data gets updated.
Am I missing something or is there any other better way to do this?
Please help in this regards..........
Lookig forward for your suggestions........
Thanks in advance
2010 Feb 27 11:12 PM