2011 Apr 15 10:23 PM
I have periods/year in internal table column wise.
like 001/2010
i am using to display reuse_alv_grid_display.
in another internal table i am having matnr , werks, standard prices.
in field catalog i mentioned heading of these fields.
between heading and head
i have to add one row and display periods like 001/2010,002/2010 like that.
please let me know the process.
kind regards,
2011 Apr 16 7:40 AM
You need to add Row or Column ?
If You need to add Row than you can use Block alv from another internal table.
If You need to add column than you can give column position in fieldcatalog.
2011 Apr 18 10:24 AM
2011 Apr 18 12:13 PM
Can you just give a sample copy of what you exactly want.I am confused where you exactly want to add the row.
2011 Apr 18 12:40 PM
suppose your period\year internal table is itab1.
itab1 having such type of data. i.e.
declare a variable var1 type string.
clear var1.
loop on itab1.
concatenate var1 wa_itab1 into var1 seprated by ','.
clear wa_itab1.
I think it will solve your problem.
2011 Apr 18 1:47 PM
You can do this easily if all the columns in your output are alphabetic, but it seems illogical. If you row contains matnr, werks, standard prices left to right, how will putting 01/2011, 02/2011, 03/2011 over matnr, werks and standard price help your user? Your ouput must look different from what you have described....
If all the columns of the ALV are not type C, you're not going to be able to do this, I think.