2007 Jul 12 3:45 PM
Hello everyone,
I am writing some code which will post documents via RFBIBL00. The
field BBSEG-SGTXT will hold only 50 characters. However, if I go in to
the transaction FBL5N (Display Document) and from the menu bar choose
Extras and then Texts, there is space here for lots of characters (i.e. long text).
My question is how can I populate this field by using the batch method
like submitting RFBIBL00 with a text file made up of BKPF and BSEG
2007 Jul 12 4:26 PM
Write a custom program with first call program RFBIBL00 using submit statement with standard fields and then followed by explicit calls to function module SAVE_TEXT to add the long text. The thing with the long texts is, that they are not stored together with the rest of the data but are kept separately. They can therefore only be read and maintained via function modules (like READ_TEXT and SAVE_TEXT).
Theoretically you can use RFBIBL00 for transaction FB01, but you'll have no way of directly knowing, whether or not you can add the long texts. The FM SAVE_TEXT has the document-number as part of the key, so you need to know that before you can call the FM.
2007 Jul 13 7:28 AM
Thanks mate for taking the timeout to reply.
I will have a go at your suggestion.