2005 Nov 17 4:37 AM
I am trying to create billing docs using VF04 for the sales orders. System creates billing doc but it gives error saying Tax Jurisdiction not found and accounting doc is not being created.
When I check customer master, it has tax jurisdiction code. Has someone come across similar problem earlier?
2005 Nov 17 4:42 AM
May be it is bill-to party or payer that is missing the tax jurisdiction code?
2005 Nov 17 5:32 AM
Use transaction VOFM, go to data transfer routines for sales order to billing and check how tax jurisdiction code is being populated over there.
2005 Nov 17 6:06 PM
I have checked the TAx Jurisdiction code and it's there on payer and Bill to.
2005 Nov 17 9:01 PM
The problem appears to be Accounting Document related.
Check the FI customizing settings to see if the Customer data is copied into CO documents.