2019 Aug 12 9:59 AM
While i seeing through the internet every websites posts that user exit needs access key, while customer exit does not need the access key. But while working practically the customer exit ask access key and user exit does not. So my question is why every websites posted that user exit need the access key and customer exit does not. Does anyone know the answer?
2019 Aug 12 10:54 AM
Hi Dhanush,
Customer exits doesn't require an access key. Could you provide bit more details where you had to enter access key to implement a customer exit?
2019 Aug 12 10:58 AM
2019 Aug 12 12:26 PM
No, subscreens don't require an access key, it's just that you don't do the right thing. You must create subscreens separately in a Z program (so no need of an access key), and indicate its number via CMOD customizing (or SE19 if it's a subscreen in BAdI).
2019 Aug 12 1:59 PM
You don't need any access key for MM01 enhancement. plz follow the link.