2023 May 05 2:47 PM
with the help of local repository of abap2xlsx and an example I found on codezentrale.de I managed to read an XLSX-file containing only one worksheet.
In order to get all the worksheets in a multi-worksheet XLSX-file I used something like:
DATA(o_reader) = CAST zif_excel_reader( NEW zcl_excel_reader_2007( ) ).
DATA(o_excel) = o_reader->load_file( p_fname ).
DATA(o_worksheet_1) = o_excel->get_worksheet_by_index( iv_index = 1 ).
DATA(o_worksheet_2) = o_excel->get_worksheet_by_index( iv_index = 2 ).
DATA(o_worksheet_3) = o_excel->get_worksheet_by_index( iv_index = 3 ).
but these workaround implies that I know exactly how many worksheets will I have in the XLSX-file I get as an input.
What I really want is to loop over all existing worksheets, load them all in internal tables and further deal with each of them according to worksheet-title, field-content in the header-row etc.
The above mentioned example on codezentrale.de has this commented line
* DATA(o_worksheet) = CAST zcl_excel_worksheet( o_excel->get_worksheets_iterator( )->get_next( ) ).
hinting at multiple worksheets but I couldn't get it done what I want to.
Could anybody help with this?
2023 May 05 7:14 PM
DATA(iterator) = o_excel->get_worksheets_iterator( ).
WHILE iterator->has_next( ).
DATA(sheet) = CAST zcl_excel_worksheet( iterator->get_next( ) ).
IF sheet->get_title( ) = 'Sheet1'.
2023 May 05 7:14 PM
DATA(iterator) = o_excel->get_worksheets_iterator( ).
WHILE iterator->has_next( ).
DATA(sheet) = CAST zcl_excel_worksheet( iterator->get_next( ) ).
IF sheet->get_title( ) = 'Sheet1'.
2023 May 06 4:49 PM
2023 Nov 09 8:14 PM
Thank you both, you helped me a lot 😮 I tried to figure that out for 2 days.