2011 May 23 3:34 PM
I download the project form code exchange.
When I run the demo reports all the files are empty.
When I debug the internal tables are filled.
Whe trying to open the file in excel I recieve a message that the file format is wrong.
Any idea what I did wrong.
2011 May 26 2:26 PM
I download the tatest NUGG and activation of all objects.
All demos are working.
Thanks for your help.
One last question. How do I transport all this to the QA and production systems.
2011 May 25 1:08 PM
Is your Excel version correct? XLSX is only in Excel 2007 and later, I think.
2011 May 25 1:29 PM
2011 May 25 2:36 PM
Which version of abap2xlsx are you using, released or daily build?
What is the version of your SAP application server?
Could you paste exact message from excel?
2011 May 25 3:11 PM
I hope this is wat you asked.
This is the first time I try this.
I download version 3 of abap2xlsx.
Application Server AIX6.1 Version 5.
When I run the demo program ZDEMO_EXCEL I recieve a message
"0 bytes transfer."
All the demo files are downloaded in the folder .
Example: 03_iTab.xlsx
When I open the file messaga.
"Excel cannot open the file '03_iTab.xlsx'' because the file format or file extension is no valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file."
We upgrade to office 2007 a year ago. Is there something that needed to change op SAP to convert to office 2007?
2011 May 25 7:43 PM
I was asking about version of SAP (6.40, 7.00 ...)
What is the size of 03_iTab.xlsx on the disk? is it 0 bytes?
If you debug ZDEMO_EXCEL3 is lt_file_tab empty or filled when calling cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download?
2011 May 26 8:37 AM
Hi Frances,
as you're using the old 3.0 Version I would suggest that you update to the 4.0 Version which was released just recently: https://cw.sdn.sap.com/cw/releases/21?container=1016. Then please let us know about the results.
Best regards
2011 May 26 7:23 AM
We are on ECC 6.0 (EHP3)
Sapgui 720
When I debug table lt_test have 109 lines.
But none in lv_file and lt_file_tab.
ls_table_settings-table_style = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2.
ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true.
lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table =
is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 3 ). "freeze column headers when scrolling
column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column_dimension( 'E' ). "make date field a bit wider
column_dimension->set_width( 11 ).
CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_2007.
lv_file = lo_excel_writer->write_file( lo_excel ).
Convert to binary
lt_file_tab = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_solix( iv_xstring = lv_file ).
lv_bytecount = XSTRLEN( lv_file ).
2011 May 26 8:48 AM
> lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table =
> is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
Hi Frances,
It's just a copy and paste error that no data object is assigned to ip_table?
Could you please try only demo1 that is the simplest demo?
Is the interface ZIF_EXCEL_WRITER correctly implemented in class ZCL_EXCEL_WRITER_2007, sometimes saplink has problems and you need to import the nugget twice.
Let us know.
2011 May 26 11:01 AM
Thanks for all the help.
The problem was with interface ZIF_EXCEL_WRITER. I just copy the coding into the method.
Now only ZDEMO_EXCEL15 gave an error.
Information on where terminated
Termination occurred in the ABAP program "ZCL_EXCEL_WRITER_2007==
The main program was "ZDEMO_EXCEL15 ".
In the source code you have the termination point in line 135
of the (Include) program "ZCL_EXCEL_WRITER_2007=========CM002".
The termination is caused because exception "CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL
procedure "CREATE_CONTENT_TYPES" "(METHOD)", but it was neither h
nor declared
in the RAISING clause of its signature.
The procedure is in program "ZCL_EXCEL_WRITER_2007=========CP ";
code begins in line
1 of the (Include program "ZCL_EXCEL_WRITER_2007=========CM002 ".
132 lo_element_root->append_child( new_child = lo_element ).
134 " Worksheet node
>>>>> lv_worksheets_num = excel->get_worksheets_size( ).
136 DO lv_worksheets_num TIMES.
137 lo_element = lo_document->create_simple_element( name = lc_xml_node_ov
138 parent = lo_document ).
2011 May 26 12:09 PM
Definitely looks like installation problem.
As Ivan suggested I'd recommend importing latest NUGG once again and activation of all objects.
2011 May 26 2:26 PM
I download the tatest NUGG and activation of all objects.
All demos are working.
Thanks for your help.
One last question. How do I transport all this to the QA and production systems.
2011 May 26 2:30 PM
By design SAPLink imports all objects as local ones.
You can go to SE80 , select Local Objects from the drop down on the left and assign all the abap2xlsx objects to some transportable package.