2008 Mar 20 8:23 AM
Hi there,
I hope someone can help me.
I bought the book "ABAP Objects" An Introduction to Programming SAP Applications author Horst Keller and Sascha Kruger. There is a CD included to install the ABAP Workbench.
I'm able to install the CD on WIN XP PRO. But I also need to work with SQL 2005. So I try to install on a machine which already has Win XP pro and SQL2005.
I created a loopback adapter.
Due to readme.doc you should run resume.bat, but it doesn't work. I also tried start installation and I get the error below
File C:\MBS\sql_SAP.iss does not exist, no version must be saved.
Info: InstController MakeStepsDeliver 2 416
Requesting Database Installation Details
Info: DBCOMMONDBENV_IND_MSS SyCoprocessCreate 2 416
Creating coprocess osql.exe ...
Info: DBCOMMONDBENV_IND_MSS SyCoprocessCreate 2 416
Creating coprocess osql.exe ...
Info: DBCOMMONDBENV_IND_MSS InternalInstallationDo 2 416
You have a correctly configured MS SQL Server with charset cp850 and sortorder bin_cp850!
Error: DBCOMMONDBENV_IND_MSS SubstituteVariables 2 416
The function RegOpenKeyEx with the parameterlist (Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\Parameters) returned with error code 2 and error text:
The system cannot find the file specified.
Error: DBCOMMONDBENV_IND_MSS InstallationDo 2 416
Phase failed.
Error: Main {} 2 416
Installation aborted.
book link:
Book reference: ISBN 0-201-75080-5 (SAP Press)
Can someone advice or give any direction please?
2008 Mar 20 10:04 AM
Hi mesut,
Please check the following forum on SDN
Expert Forums » Community Discussions » Trials, Previews & Other Downloads
Or post ur questions there ....
2008 Mar 20 10:04 AM
Hi mesut,
Please check the following forum on SDN
Expert Forums » Community Discussions » Trials, Previews & Other Downloads
Or post ur questions there ....