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ABAP trial NPL doesn't start - Instance not found

Active Contributor

I have a 7.52SP4 Developer trial system running on OpenSuse Leap, which no longer starts up with the message "No instance profiles found"

This started after unintentionally putting the computer to sleep while the SAP was still running. On wake, the VM resumed but I could no longer connect to SAP. So I ran stopsap anyway and restarted the VM.

I could go on at length on what I've tried, but in short: The instance profiles are all there. The startsap.trc file is not very informative, just restating that the instance is not there. I've tried running the sapstartsrv in the instance exe directory, looked at various other logs, but not found any really useful information.

Has anyone run into this and managed to get the system back up and running again?


Active Contributor

Hi mike.pokraka,

Is the IP address is fine? In my case I have static IP address defined for the local domain but as my computer connected to different network changing IP address of my machine and NPL did not want to start up until I corrected the address.




Active Contributor
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Hi mike.pokraka,
I had similar issue once my SYBASE license expired. Did you check it?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi ziolkowskib,

Thanks for the input, but no the license is fine. I checked it just to make sure, and it's 2021. I used the system the day before and the regular SAP license is also still within validity for another month or so.


Active Contributor

Hi mike.pokraka,

Is the IP address is fine? In my case I have static IP address defined for the local domain but as my computer connected to different network changing IP address of my machine and NPL did not want to start up until I corrected the address.



0 Kudos

That's it! Didn't check the obvious, it was a dynamic IP address which has never changed until today. Odd, because it's been running for months with loads of startup/shutdowns. I shall convert it to a fixed address.

0 Kudos

I'm glad your NPL is up and running again 🙂

Active Contributor

Hi Mike,

As Bartosz indicates in the comments, I also had the exact same error when I installed NPL in VMWare last week and the reason was the DHCP being enabled which gave a new IP address after restarting.

After I assigned my Virtual Machine to the original IP that it had during the installation, then everything worked fine again.

To try this, before disabling DHCP you can use the commands below:

"Check your current ip:
ip a

"Add new IP (the original from the installation):
ip a add {ip_addr/mask} dev {interface}
sudo ip a add dev eth0

"Remove old IP (the one you got with the ip a command):
ip a del {ip_addr/mask} dev {interface}
sudo ip a del dev eth0

I hope it works for you too.

Active Contributor

That's it! Didn't check the obvious, it was a dynamic IP address which has never changed until today. Odd, because it's been running for months with loads of startup/shutdowns. I shall convert it to a fixed address.

Thanks, if you convert your comment to answer I can mark it as answered 🙂

Active Contributor

Thanks to Marçal and Bartosz I resolved it. Sorry, I can only accept one answer 😞

To to provide the full details, in case anyone runs into this:

I'm running VMware Fusion on MacOS. Now one of the differences between Fusion and Fusion Pro (at $80 more) is advanced networking, which lets you set up fixed NAT addresses and the likes. I didn't need that. So I thought.

I used NAT as it should run on both my home network and also when I'm away from home, where I don't want the VM to be directly connected to whatever public network I'm on. And it always assigned the same NAT address for months so I'd forgotten all about it. Recently there was a minor Fusion upgrade to 15.5, and that's when it changed the address. The fact that I put my machine to sleep without shutting down the VM was just a red herring.

As I don't have sufficient control over networking, I opted instead to change the IP address that the installation wrote into the hosts file by editing /etc/hosts and now it's working again.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Mike,

Thanks for letting us know you found the solution (not everyone does !).

Just for my own info: Was DHCP switched ON? I always recommend that you switch it OFF in YaST (in both the guides):

BR Julie.


Hi Julie,

Hostname via DHCP was off as per your guides, but the IP address was still assigned via DHCP. VMWare is normally pretty stable and tends to keep a VM's IP. I had a quick look a the change log and VMWare did tinker with NAT on the latest patch though. It was something like and now it ends with .250, so the address allocation changed.

As I said, I'm on the budget version of VMWare and a fixed IP is only available with Pro. But fixing an IP in a DHCP/NAT setting still works, so that's my solution to prevent this from happening again.



0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

Ah, OK. Thanks for letting me know.

BR Julie.