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ABAP_Trial Installation Problem - SAPSYSTEMNAME Error


I'm in the process of installing 7.52 for the first time and I understand that the license key that's provided on the sap trial download download site that's included with the 11 .rar files has already expired. I keep getting the

=> sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline 

error during installation. From what I gather I need to go the SAP License Keys for Preview site to obtain a new license. However, the form requires me to enter a hardware key which I cannot obtain because I don't have SAP installed and I cannot run the SLICENSE transaction.

I've been trying to get this installed for a week. I've tried both videos from YouTube and Julie's text guide, redownloaded all of the .rar files, tried in both VirualBox and VMare and I keep running into the same problem

I've also reviewed the FAQ forum and scoured nearly every forum on this topic for a solution.


I was FINALLY able to install 7.5.

I used the blog QEMU and SAP Dev Edition via UTM for MacBook M1 written by murmelssonic

I can't precisely pinpoint what was causing the failure in my previous installation attempts, but I'm certain now that the problem DID NOT stem from an "expired" license and was possibly due to my DNS & static ip setting. The vm I used was VMware Fusion.

I was able to install 7.5 then accessed my hardware key via transaction SLICENSE (The hardware key is REQUIRED in order to request a new license). I then went on to request a new license from the SAP License Keys for Preview site.


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Correct, the guides that I'm referring to are:

Complete Installation Guide: 752 Virtual Box & Complete Installation Guide: 752 VMWare

I ended up using both because I attempted to install on both VirtualBox and VMware.

I receive this error on Step E after enter ./

Is it possible that this isn't working because the license file that's included in the downloads has already expired? Unfortunatenly, indivudals who have not yet installed SAP are unable to request a new license because they don't have access to their hardware ID.


Hi sandra.rossi ,

I followed this Instruction Step-By-Step and I propose Michael did the same.

mbirk2011: Please see this answer from Dylan. This is not mentioned in the Guide from Julie.

Otherwise what was a Problem for me: I have a local DNS Server in my Network.

The Settings to use this DNS was copied from the Host to the Virtual machine.

With the original Settings from VirtualBox the DNS Server was unreachable., I then changed settings of VB to "Network Bridge" and adjusted the Default Network Settings in openSuse.

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I had the same problem.

I solved it.

Do not doubt your previous steps.

The reason is that the certificate in the SAP trial software has expired.

There is a license download at the bottom of the abap752 software download page ,

Developer Trials and Downloads | SAP Developer

The funny thing is that the new downloaded certificate is marked as expired , and it can actually be used until 2023.

Run the install as you did before, and get an error。

Copy the license to your sap folder,overwrite the license file. I forgot the folder name. Unzip the downloaded file and search the forum using the file name as a keyword. You can get it.

Then run the install again .

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For future visitors, just to clarify what needs to be done concerning the Sybase license in the 7.52 SP04 installation guide (on VMWare: Installing AS ABAP 7.52 SP04 Developer Edition on VMWare and Linux (, whatever you install for the first time or any time (e.g. if one day startsap fails because the license has expired):

You may you obtain the latest license at the ABAP 7.52 SP04 trial downloads under the software "SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Edition 7.52 SP04" > file "SAP ABAP AS Part License" (Developer Trials and Downloads | SAP Developer). It will download the file "License.rar".

If you install for the first time, before running the installation, you should NOT RUN the command immediately as explained below (based on Solved: SAP AS ABAP 7.52 SP04 - Error Unable to generate a... - SAP Community).

Instead, do as follows:

1) Switch to super user:

sudo -i

2) Set the current directory:

cd /home/<your_linux_user>/abaptrial/ABAP/

3) Unzip the license file:

unrar x License.rar

4) Copy the unzipped license file SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic to the directory that will use for the license source:

cp ./License/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic ./server/TAR/x86_64/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic

Now, depending on your situation, either run the installation:


or start the SAP server:

root> su npladm
npladm> startsap