2023 Nov 01 3:06 PM
Attempting to install AS ABAP 752 SP04, developer edition on OpenSUSE 15.5 on Hyper-V following the guides published here:
The installation fails consistently with the following errors in the sapinst.log:
ERROR 2023-11-01 14:24:49.613 (root/sapinst) id=modlib.jslib.childAppStatusError errno=MUT-03010
Execution of the command "/sybase/NPL/ASE-16_0/bin/dataserver --sbssav" finished with status TST_ERROR.
ERROR 2023-11-01 14:24:49.786 (root/sapinst) id=modlib.jslib.childAppStatusError errno=MUT-03010
Execution of the command "/sybase/NPL/ASE-16_0/bin/dataserver -v" finished with status TST_ERROR.
ERROR 2023-11-01 14:24:49.787 (root/sapinst) id=ind-rel.ind-os.ind-db.assertionFailed errno=CJS-00030
Assertion failed: This tool does not support the database server version
ERROR 2023-11-01 14:24:49.788 (root/sapinst) id=modlib.jslib.caughtException errno=MUT-03025
Caught ESAPinstException in module call: Assertion failed: This tool does not support the database server version
ERROR 2023-11-01 14:24:49.972 (root/sapinst) id=controller.stepExecuted errno=FCO-00011
The step syb_step_get_ase_version with step key |offlineadjustment_dialogs|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|offlineadjustment_db_post|ind|ind|ind|ind|db_post|0|syb_rename_db_post_dia|ind|ind|ind|ind|syb|0|NW_SYB_DB_REN|ind|ind|ind|ind|syb2|0|syb_step_get_ase_version was executed with status ERROR (Last error reported by the step: Execution of the command "/sybase/NPL/ASE-16_0/bin/dataserver --sbssav" finished with status TST_ERROR).
Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this failure and what I can do to resolve it?
Many thanks.
Kind regards,
2024 Jan 09 11:15 AM
2023 Nov 01 4:21 PM
If possible, check the note 3212149 - TST_ERROR during the execution of Split Off ASCS Instance procedure - SAP for Me, even if it doesn't seem related to the trial/ASE. Hint given in the note: "TST_ERROR means permission problem".
2023 Nov 01 4:39 PM
Many thanks for the quick response Sandra.
Unfortunately I am unable to view the link. I have tried in Edge and Firefox on two different PCs and both show the same error: HTTP Request failed: Undefined.
Interesting that this could be a permissions issue.
Is there any other way to view the referenced note please?
2023 Nov 01 8:28 PM
Unfortunately, it's under SAP license, only licensed clients can access the support. It could be related to the Linux users created by the SAP installation (e.g. npladm, etc.)
I'm surprised that you are using the Virtual Box guide although you are using Hyper-V.
Someone did a guide for Hyper-V here: Installing AS ABAP Developer Edition with Hyper-V | SAP Blogs
By the way, any reason to not use Virtual Box or VMWare? (official guides provided, more Q&A in the forum)
2023 Nov 06 7:56 AM
Hi Sandra,
VirtualBox is not allowed in our organisation and VMware requires a license that is unnecessary when Hyper-V can do all that is needed for a test lab environment.
I followed the instructions at the link you provided but still I have the same issue.
Here are my build notes:
## Using OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 configured as a server
# Administrator username: <username>
# Administrator Password: <password> # < must be greater than 8 characters
## Create VM
# Build VM based on the instructions here:
# https://blogs.sap.com/2018/09/06/installing-as-abap-developer-edition-with-hyper-v/
# - 2 Cores
# - 6144 MB Memory (not dynamic)
# - 156GB HDD
# - Ext4 partition
## Install pre-requisites
sudo -i
zypper refresh
zypper update
zypper install unrar tcsh htop tmux uuidd # < tcsh is required by the installer
systemctl enable uuidd
systemctl start uuidd
sudo service --status-all | grep uuidd # < confirm uuidd is started
rpm -qa | grep libaio # < confirm libaio is installed
zypper install libaio # < if not installed
## Create installation folders
sudo -i
mkdir /sapinst
mkdir /saplicense
## Use WinSCP to upload all TD752SP04partXX.rar files to /sapinst
## Use WinSCP to upload License.rar file to /saplicense
cd /sapinst
unrar x TD752SP04part01.rar
cd /saplicense
unrar x License.rar
# Copy the latest SYBASE license to the installation folder so it automatically updates during installation
cp /saplicense/License/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic /sapinst/server/TAR/x86_64/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic
## Modify /sapinst/install.sh
# https://blogs.sap.com/2021/06/07/adjusting-installer-script-for-sap-netweaver-dev-edition-for-distro...
# Save the edited file as new_install.sh
chmod +x new_install.sh
shutdown -h now
##### SNAPSHOT ######
# Take a snapshot.
# Restart the server.
## Run installer
sudo -i
systemctl start uuidd
cd /sapinst
# “Esc” followed by “:q” to exit the license agreement
# Enter the strong password you created initially at the prompts
I also ran the installation using install.sh unmodified for the kernel 5.4 and later adjustments with the same error occurring.
I must be doing something wrong but I cannot find what exactly and the logs are not providing any useful information on what to look for.
2023 Nov 06 8:21 AM
No license problem with VMWare Workstation Player. What issue do you have?
2023 Nov 06 8:23 AM
2023 Nov 15 12:08 PM
Hi Barry,
Unfortunately, we only have limited capacity, so I have not tested the installation with Hyper-V.
What you can do is look at the .log files in /tmp/sapinst_instdir.
Simply search for the word "ERROR"; this may give you some pointers.
Also: Thank you sandra.rossi, for all your suppport (on this and other issues.)
Sorry I can't help further.
Best wishes,
2023 Nov 15 12:51 PM
Hi Julie,
The virtualisation software is not the problem. I have tried this installation on VMware Workstation and on Virtualbox on my home PC to rule out that this is not an issue introduced by some policies on my work PC. The exact same errors occur on both of those platforms. This is a problem with the SAP installer/installation process and I have no clue where to find a resolution based on the error information that is being written to the logs.
I have provided detailed steps of my process above. Is there anything there that you can see that I am doing wrong? Are there steps missing to set a permission or configure some other setting that is required for the installation to complete?
Kind regards,
2023 Nov 23 12:22 PM
I don't have a solution, but can offer a workaround: use Ubuntu Server instead of opensuse Leap.
More info here: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/06/07/adjusting-installer-script-for-sap-netweaver-dev-edition-for-distro...
And Ubuntu info here: https://blogs.sap.com/2019/10/20/concise-guide-to-install-sap-netweaver-developer-edition-on-ubuntu-...
If a solution that enables opensuse Leap to be used again is found and described, and someone tells me, then I'll modify the first of those blogs to reflect the existence of a solution.
2023 Nov 23 1:22 PM
2024 Jan 09 11:15 AM