2023 Jun 28 1:56 AM
I tried to download the sap netweaver as abap 7.52 sp04, developer edition but it doesn't work and I got an pop window. plz let me know how to download it...
” Your request for information is being reviewed. Once approved, you’ll receive an e-mail with additional instructions. ”
2023 Jun 28 11:52 AM
I downloaded it a week ago and just tested it again. When you click it checks if you have a P or S user. If you are logged in, you are redirected to the download.
Have you checked if your browser is blocking something?
From where are you trying to download the files?
I found a blog here in which also the error "Your request for information .... additional instructions. " is discussed:
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Edition Installation Pitfalls + Video Tutorial