2007 Dec 19 2:47 PM
Hi SAP experts,
I am new to SAP support project . I got issue regarding material creation through MM01 while creating a material it gives the message like "Impossible to use S price for plant".
Pls help me in this regard and give me some directions to resolve it.
Thanks in advance.
2007 Dec 19 2:51 PM
hi Vasu
That materials say its getting created in plant 'A' , might not be alowing to use standard price....
generally materials can be created with prices S or V.. standard price and moving avg price... give a try with V
check with the FC, how is that plant configured... and is there any thing spl with that plant...
2007 Dec 19 4:36 PM
Hi ,
Thanks for your prompt reply..
Actually i found an enhancement which related to the message .Pls check the code and suggest me how to resolve it..?
IF wmbew-bwkey NE space.
check s v
SELECT SINGLE * FROM t001k WHERE bwkey EQ wmbew-bwkey.
IF t001k-bukrs EQ '0015'
*CA added Canada company code Begin.
OR t001k-bukrs EQ 'CA01'
CA added company code End.
added by erp-zengyin for speed II project, on 2007/05/17-------begin
OR t001k-bukrs EQ '0011'
*Insertion by zhouhm_cn for SOH project on 20070215 begin ***
OR t001k-bukrs EQ 'SG01'.
Insertion by zhouhm_cn for SOH project on 20070215 end
IF wmbew-vprsv EQ 'S'. " 0015
MESSAGE e002(zhk).
IF wmbew-vprsv EQ 'V' .
MESSAGE e003(zhk).