2023 Apr 26 2:02 PM
1) What is the role of an ABAP programmer during Oracle to SAP HANA database migration?
2) What are the code changes needed to existing ABAP programs when migrating from premise to On cloud?
For example: i heard that select singles will not work in cloud and we need to use some alternatives..etc
I am aware of the SPAU & SPDD transactions during Ehp pack upgrade.
Any suggestions please.
2023 Apr 27 1:55 PM
You have ATC variant for S/4 upgrade :
but from Oracle to Hana, the only point for me is the implicit SORT used in Oracle doesn't exist in HANA (the result will not be sorted by the table keys)
2023 Apr 27 1:57 PM
You could check also in specific code if somebody use HINT :
2023 Apr 27 2:16 PM
frdric.girod There is no implicit SORT used in Oracle either. (Or any ERP really).
Use the ORDER
clause to order rows returned by the statement. Without an order_by_clause
, no guarantee exists that the same query executed more than once will retrieve rows in the same order.
I've seen it happen that a program that worked for years in Oracle which assumed that the table was in primary key order suddenly stopped working because there was no ORDER BY.
With HANA it's just far more likely that you won't get records back in the same order they were stored.
2023 Apr 28 6:40 AM
matthew.billingham it is amazing the number of ABAP program, even standard, assuming this sort.
2023 Apr 28 9:51 PM
Apart from Sort conditions, are there any select stsmts that do not work on S/4 HANA Cloud ?
2023 Jun 08 3:43 PM
Hi, I also see that select single * does not work in the new HANA based system.
Can anyone suggest such kind of obstacles faced during migration to HANA?