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abap questions

Former Member
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hi all,this is ashish

what is difference between occurs1 and occurs2? 0 3

in script can i print the back page of a paper 1 28

If we will display the data by writing write statement on start of selection then what is the need of end-of- selection in classical report Bristle-Cone 1 23

1) What is read with binary search? 2) I have initialization write ‘a’ Top-of-page write ‘b’ what is the output for this/ 3) If I don’t have start of selection event in report will it execute?it is mandatory or not? 4) What is table maintenance generator? 5) Is it advisable to have secondary index/ 6) How we will imlement BAPI? 7) What is process code in idoc? 😎 Where the information msg will display? 9) Where warning msg will display? 10) Where we use watch point?what exactly watch point means? 11) What is a spool? 12) What is program name that contains all print program names and form names other than TNAPR? 13) How we will capture errors in bapi? 14) How to transfer std text from production to quality? csc 0 1

How do you do BDC field Validtaions ? can any one help with syntax? is there any difference with BDC and BAPI validations? CSC 0 1

layout conversion? 1 221

how to write record to a file?& ABAP editor provides? 2 185

how to transport query? 1 131

D/b view? 1 94

sy-field for internal table process? 1 104

LDB represents wat? 1 104

wat controls flow logic of online programs? 0 5

how to change output option of table control? 1 101

how is data transported from module to program? Accenture 1 145

with table control?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ashish,

Quite good questions

but dont you think its too much to post all the questions in one go ...


and search for these questions ... this forum is full of replies to these questions ..

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what is difference between occurs1 and occurs2?

Ans) OCCURS 1 means the initial memory size (buffer area) for the internal table is 1 record... ... In general we use OCCURS 0...

in script can i print the back page of a paper

Ans) Yes u can... (You can give the same in PAGE attributes --> Print mode.)

If we will display the data by writing write statement on start of selection then what is the need of end-of- selection in classical report Bristle-Cone 1 23

Ans) We can write write statements in both start-pf-selection and end-of-selection. In general there is no use of end-of-selection (many people thought)

The difference comes into picture when we are using STOP or EXIT in different events like at selection screen based on some conditions then the control will go to END-OF-SELECTION..... Because the flow is defined like that.

Also START-OF-SELECTION - For getting data and calculations

END-OF-SELECTION - For display purpose (Actual Meaning of events)

1) What is read with binary search?

Ans) READ TABLE with BINARY SEARCH gives the faster result... For better performance we must use BINARY SEARCH.

Condition: BINARY SEARCH will work only when when the table is sorted on the fields used in KEY

2) I have initialization write ‘a’ Top-of-page write ‘b’ what is the output for this/

Ans) Check it out

3) If I don’t have start of selection event in report will it execute?it is mandatory or not?


4) What is table maintenance generator?

Ans) Used to CREATE/CHANGE/DELETE table entries based on Authorization.

5) Is it advisable to have secondary index/

Ans) If you are using the table with out PRIMARY KEY and based on SOME OTHER FIELDS frequently then it's better to have a secondary index on those fields.

6) How we will imlement BAPI?

Ans) write a report and call the BAPI in that

7) What is process code in idoc?

Ans) Process code is linked to a Function Module which will have the code to post the IDoc data or vice versa....

😎 Where the information msg will display?

Ans) Basic List or Selection Screen or Secondary List -- No restriction (Comes in a Dialog Box)

9) Where warning msg will display?

Ans) Status bar

10) Where we use watch point?what exactly watch point means?

Ans) For debugging purpose

11) What is a spool?

Ans) Print data will be stored in a place called SPOOL

12) What is program name that contains all print program names and form names other than TNAPR?

Ans) I will chk and tell you... NACE transaction we will find ingeneral

13) How we will capture errors in bapi?

Ans) Through BAPI paramter - RETURN

A very big list to Answer....

Reward if helpful....

Former Member
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1. what is difference between occurs1 and occurs2? 0 3

Occurs 0 means it will have n number of records(rows)...if u give occurs 3 it will have only 3 records(rows)

2.n script can i print the back page of a paper-yes u can do

3.If we will display the data by writing write statement on start of selection then what is the need of end-of- selection in classical report Bristle-Cone

start of selection is diff rom end of selection...

in some cases u want to display like a = 10

b = 10 from select statement...

after that u want to display the the end of selection from the table or select st5atement u can display sum using klogic...

4What is read with binary search

If u give readd will read through out the table for particular entry..

if u give binary search it will search patticially...before that u have to give it will divide the whole itab and check same as binary se4arch in datastructure. which is for performance

5.I have initialization write ‘a’ Top-of-page write ‘b’ what is the output for this/

B will be displayed first.

6. If I don’t have start of selection event in report will it execute?it is mandatory or not?---not mandatory...but if u give write statement then it should be with start of selection

7.Where the information msg will display?---it will be displayed in the mid of screen

8.Where we use watch point?what exactly watch point means?---it means to heck the priocess what its doing.and to see the value

9) What is a spool?---to print the result we have to use spool

10.) Where warning msg will display?---status bar.

12.How do you do BDC field Validtaions ?..through program to write record to a file?---itf its presentation server we can use download GUI_UPLOAD...if it is application server use dataset statements. for internal table process? ---SY-TABIX and u can see from SYST table

15.LDB represents wat---LOGICAL DATABASE to change output option of table control? ---thru properties in layout is data transported from module to program to table control---

in PAI and PBO we have to code with cursopr control.