2020 Aug 03 9:57 AM
what is the best way to get a list of modifiable transports for a user with ABAP?
I've found the function module TMS_TM_GET_TRLIST (but due to missing documentation I'm not able to use it properly).
Is there some function module for this task, or should I get the data directly from e070* tables*?
2020 Aug 03 10:00 AM
Even if you are getting using FM, probably you will have to filter the results and FM mostly likely will be 'Not Relased' (as per my experience).
You may directly use table.
2020 Aug 03 10:40 AM
yes, select in E070 is easy, else try function TRINT_SELECT_REQUESTS.
With parameter iv_username_pattern = "user name to be used" and LS_SELECTION filled with REQSTATUS = 'LDO', returned table content list of modifiable requests and tasks for user.
2020 Aug 03 10:39 AM
Hello bwf,
Try using the FM SCTM_GET_OPEN_TRANSPORTS_RFC, but if the FMs are not released better to go with tables.