2023 Dec 11 7:29 PM
Hi Team,
Can i access abap development tool and abap managed procedures through sap hana cockpit through required roles and configurations in cockpit?
Any helpfull links will do.
2023 Dec 11 8:20 PM
2023 Dec 11 8:36 PM
Do you have any supporting links which prooves that its not possible? Monitoring of ADT and AMP's is possible but i cant find the blog post related to it.
2023 Dec 11 10:59 PM
2023 Dec 12 8:00 AM
Why don't you want to access them the normal way?
It's like asking "is it possible to access ADT and AMDP via VS Code", or "via SE80", etc.
2023 Dec 12 8:01 AM
You say "Monitoring of ADT and AMP" (AMDP), the monitoring of what?