2023 May 09 8:41 AM
Hi experts,
In SAP 7.4, what is the new program or the process to change released task to unreleased ?
Before, it was RDDIT076...
Thank you in advance,
2023 May 09 8:58 AM
Hello rachidroughi
See the note 3132029 - Report RDDIT076 not functional anymore
Technically the release status of a task sits in E070-TRSTATUS. So you could change it directly there, again only technically speaking.
!!! Be advised not to do that and follow the process described in the note. Tempering tasks statuses is risky, will not be supported by SAP especially if transports are managed with SolMan !!!
Best regards
Dominik Tylczynski
2023 May 09 8:48 AM
You should never do this, because when you release a TR, SAP creates two files.
2023 May 09 8:52 AM
2023 May 09 8:56 AM
frdric.girod I understood that when you release a task in a request, it merely
1. Locks the task
2. Copies the object list into the request
Only when you release the request does it create the two files.
I agree though, you shouldn't change a relased task to unreleased.
2023 May 09 8:56 AM
Just add a new task for the person to the request. That's the standard way of doing it.
2023 May 09 9:48 AM
I want to clean some objects in my task, that is why I want to re-open it.
2023 May 09 11:59 AM
2023 May 09 8:58 AM
Hello rachidroughi
See the note 3132029 - Report RDDIT076 not functional anymore
Technically the release status of a task sits in E070-TRSTATUS. So you could change it directly there, again only technically speaking.
!!! Be advised not to do that and follow the process described in the note. Tempering tasks statuses is risky, will not be supported by SAP especially if transports are managed with SolMan !!!
Best regards
Dominik Tylczynski
2023 May 09 9:47 AM
My TR is not released. Only my task is.
2023 May 09 9:54 AM
3a9e4ce873a94034b33dc62b0ce600ee & matthew.billingham I read too fast, as usual 😉
2023 May 09 12:31 PM
RDDIT076 is not needed to unrelease a task, because there's no difference with creating a new task.
2023 May 09 12:33 PM
frdric.girod Same for me. It's because the OP said "RDDIT076" that I immediately thought that the OP meant transport request instead of task.