2020 Jun 01 12:47 PM
we have a business case regarding the data interface as below;
Interface data sending party often sends VAT CODE (zvat_code) incorrectly.
Due to its technical difficulty, we are not capable of requesting the correction from the Interface data sending party.
Instead, Interface data receiving party which is our client wants to fix it with V1, except when it receive data with V8.
CLEAR zkxxfit0020.
MOVE: gv_bukrs TO zkxxfit0020-bukrs,
<fs_ap_header>-zinv_dat TO zkxxfit0020-zinv_dat,
<fs_ap_header>-ztrans_date TO zkxxfit0020-ztrans_date,
<fs_ap_header>-waers TO zkxxfit0020-waers,
<fs_ap_header>-zvat_code TO zkxxfit0020-zvat_code,
How can I meet out client's requirement with the appropriate ABAP coding?
Thank you for your reading & valuable insight in advance.
2020 Jun 01 1:15 PM
Hello jsu9210
Something like this?
gv_bukrs TO zkxxfit0020-bukrs,
<fs_ap_header>-zinv_dat TO zkxxfit0020-zinv_dat,
<fs_ap_header>-ztrans_date TO zkxxfit0020-ztrans_date,
<fs_ap_header>-waers TO zkxxfit0020-waers,
<fs_ap_header>-zvat_code TO zkxxfit0020-zvat_code,...
" fixed V1 value if not V8
IF zkxxfit0020-zvat_code <> 'V8'.
zkxxfit0020-zvat_code = 'V1'.
Kind regards,
Mateusz2020 Jun 01 4:16 PM
Thank you Mateusz Adamus for your feedback.
I have followed above instructions. Now I am waiting for the integration test with EAI.