2009 Jan 11 6:39 AM
hi expects,
As we are taking the data from sap system to third party system.i am using "BAPI_PERSDATA_GETLIST".all the data are coming to third party system.but 4 manadatory fields are not showing the data.these are 1.subtype
2.lock identicator
4.record number
please suggest me to solve this problem.
2009 Jan 11 6:51 AM
It will read the data from the PA0002 infotype and this infotype doesn't have the subtype so you get the blank in the subtype and the remainging fields
2 lock identicator
4.record number
will be passed if the 0002 infotype consists the corroseponding data agains the pernr.
Check the PA0002 infotype for the selected PENR..you will find the answer.