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3 questions on eCATT

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello all,

I just need some informations on eCATT as i got a big work on this subject.

--> I just want to know if it's possible to have a transport order for a scenario of eCATT. I mean, if i've created my configuration on a test environement, can i take it to another environement ? To test it in real conditions for example.

The other question is :

--> Is it possible for eCATT to manage differents users, like administrator, person in charge for tests, project leader, etc... ?

Finally, and the last one 😃

--> The customer i work for has got a lot of flow integrating some external interface. Like in the purchase flow for example. After the reception, invoicing is made by an external tool, not in SAP (just copied). Is eCATT able to manage external process during a test scenario ?

I thank you all for all answer that you should be able to give.

Have a nice day !



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks a lot for your answers, it's very helpful.

By the way, I got two others little questions (sorry =)I don't have any acces to SAP for now and i have to answer more than 50 questions...) :

--> The customer ask me if there are differents kind of reporting for the results of a test. I do remember that at the end of a test, we got an error log, but i don't remember if it's very changeable and ergonomic. (downloadable on XL I suppose at least ?).

They need the ratio : test done, test ok / test Nok...

and the last, but not the easiest for me to explain (with my poor english) :

--> The customer wants to know if we can put a useful workflow for our test. By "workflow" i mean a system with automatic sending mail when errors occurs, or management for status (Test open / Test running / Test close / Test error...)

I really thank you all for answers.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Please find answers below:

1. Yes its possible to transport

2. I think you can control it through security profiles

3. I don't think 3rd one is possible, you might have to look at other options like LSMW or so.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Papillon

(1) You can transport your eCATT to other systems.

- However, this is not necessary if you are using a system data container for your eCATT. For example, you have your eCATT created on DEV with target system PRD then you can run your eCATT directly on the PRD system.

Prerequisites are an RFC connection from DEV -> PRD and, most importantly, eCATT must be allowed on the PRD client (check using transaction SALE. This is a client attribute).

(3) eCATT is able to work together with external tools.

- For example, if you are working on 6.40 then call transaction SECATT, menu "GoTo" -> "Use of Command". Search for command 'REFEXT' and display the found testscripts.

However, I must admit that I do not (yet) know how to integrate eCATT with external tools.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks a lot for your answers, it's very helpful.

By the way, I got two others little questions (sorry =)I don't have any acces to SAP for now and i have to answer more than 50 questions...) :

--> The customer ask me if there are differents kind of reporting for the results of a test. I do remember that at the end of a test, we got an error log, but i don't remember if it's very changeable and ergonomic. (downloadable on XL I suppose at least ?).

They need the ratio : test done, test ok / test Nok...

and the last, but not the easiest for me to explain (with my poor english) :

--> The customer wants to know if we can put a useful workflow for our test. By "workflow" i mean a system with automatic sending mail when errors occurs, or management for status (Test open / Test running / Test close / Test error...)

I really thank you all for answers.


0 Kudos

Hello Papillon

Using the test workbench you can create test catalogs (transaction <b>STWB_1</b>; creating test packages) and test plans (transaction <b>STWB_2</b>; actual planning, i.e. who does which tests ,etc.).

Using transaction <b>STWB_INFO</b> (Infosystem) you can generate reports for each test plan (also in Batch possible).

I do not exactly know how transaction <b>STWB_SET</b> works but it looks like that you can trigger notifications here (using different channels).

