2023 Mar 09 9:29 AM
Can we use 2 different email address for sending email?
For example :
Program A, when user run this program then it will send email using programone@mycompany.com
Program B, when user run this program then it will send email using programtwo@mycompany.com
2023 Mar 09 4:06 PM
Yes, just set the sender dynamically in your code.
2023 Mar 10 3:21 AM
Hi, thanks for your response.
How about SMTP Node, should i make 2 SMTP Node in SCOT?
2023 Mar 10 6:37 AM
a SMTP note is a link to a SMTP server, you do not want to have several SMTP server, you want to have several sender.
The sender could be specify when you use the class CL_BCS as raymond.giuseppi told you. So just use the correct code (and not the old Function Module)
2023 Mar 15 4:06 AM
Thanks all, we finally reached a decision that we will only user 1 sender address. so i will close this