Continuing from “Writing DCLs on Union Views in CDS - Part 1” ,
- Now , let’s try giving no authorization to display Refregirator products under this role .
2. Let's create DCL ( Access Control ) on the union view :
CASE 1 : AND condition with
aspect_pfcg statements in DCL
Let's execute the union view and see the result :
RESULT : Since, Refregirator view did not pass through authorization, none of the other product records are displayed too.
This is not what we wanted.
CASE 2 : OR condition with
aspect_pfcg statements in DCL
Let's execute the union view and see the result :
RESULT : Since Other product views passed the authorization, even refregirator product records are visible to user due to OR condition.
This is not what we wanted .
CASE 3 (Solution) : Multiple grant select statements with where condition in a DCL
Here multiple grant select statements are written on same view . See the difference from above cases.
Let's execute the union view and see the result :
The refregirator products are not displayed to the user since there is no authorization and rest all products are visible.
This is what we wanted and meeting our expected requirement.