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How do you perceive the role of the coach? What are his responsibilities? What should he perform?

I think that we can all agree that as a coach you should be responsible for planning and executing on the agenda. You should probably advise on how to define the challenge, and in most cases you should ensure that the logistics are right for Design Thinking(room size, white boards, post-it’s, etc.). But is it all?

To me, it is just the beginning. A coach that does just that can be called a Design Thinking facilitator, as he facilitates the Design Thinking work. But is he really coaching?

If you look into coaches in sports, they role definition is much wider than knowing the rules of the game and training their teams accordingly. The best coaches out there excel because they can get their team out of their comfort zone and make them do things that they never thought that they are capable of.

Take a look at this short clip from the movie “Facing The Giants”

A good coach should squeeze every bit of energy, creativity, and execution capability from you during the Design Thinking work. A great coach will make you feel exhausted but satisfied at the end of the workshop.

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