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Note: I will use new formatting technique in this post. Instead of posting the complete blog in the body area and leaving the comments section for the readers. I will post part of the content in the comments area and enable you to comment separately on each part of the blog by replying to the comments. Please read my previous post The shortest path to creativity to read about the origins of this technique.

The cloud business is booming. The trend started in 2006 with Amazon EC2 announcement. At the beginning most analysts were skeptical thought that it is Jeff Bezos' Risky Bet. On the other hand, Shai Agassi from SAP was quoted on March 2007 saying: "[it is] the most important industry development in the last 10 years". While Larry Ellison from Oracle On September 2008, still asked "What the hell is cloud computing?". To be fair to Larry Ellison, he shouldn't be blamed for missing the cloud. After all, he also completely missed in-memory rational database, which unlike cloud computing at the time, is core to his business :lol:

What was almost impossible to predict just few years ago is common knowledge by now.

Everybody can list some incremental benefits of the cloud architecture to the on-premise architecture. It is faster, cheaper, easier, and alike. But can we also think of transformational evolution due to the cloud? Can the cloud enable business models that were not viable before the cloud?

Neils Bohr once said, “it is very difficult to predict — especially the future.”. Never the less, we will give it a try.

The cloud stack is constructed from 3 different types of Cloud Computing services commonly referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). In this post we will stack it a bit differently: The hardware layer, the data layer and the process layer.

Reviewing a concept from a different point of view enables us to make new observations which were not possible using the standard definitions.

Now for the fun part: Please move on to the comments section below to read about each of the cloud layer and my prediction for evolution in this space.

Like the layer that you think is more likely to evolve in that direction.

Reply with comment to share your insights.

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