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I'm sure you already recognized that working with shortcuts in ABAP in Eclipse is much more efficient than using the mouse. The basic shortcuts that you need to start your development in eclipse are already described in the getting started document:
Also the Eclipse quick reference card for the shortcuts is very helpful for beginners:

But there are a lot more useful shortcuts available that might help you in some situations:

Editing source code:

Shortcut What it will do
CTRL+D Deletes the selected codeline
CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE Deletes the content from the cursor position to the end of the line
CTRL+DELETE Deletes the next word in the editor
CTRL+BACKSPACE Deletes the previous word in the editor
ALT+UP/DOWN Moves the selected codelines up/down in the editor
CTRL+ALT+UP/DOWN Duplicates Codelines before/after the selected codeline
CTRL+UP/DOWN Scrolls Line up/down
SHIFT+ENTER Adds a new line below the current line and positions the cursor in that line
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Adds a new line above the current line and positions the cursor in that line
CTRL+Z Undo changes
ALT+SHIFT+R Rename the selected object, e.g. variable, method, class
CTRL+1 Opens Quickfix/Quickassist Dialog on the selected element
CTRL+7 Comments/Uncomments selected code in the editor
SHIFT+F1 Formats the source code (aka. Pretty Printer)
CTRL+SHIFT+F1 Formats the marked source code or source code block (e.g. method)
CTRL+N Creates new development object
CTRL+SHIFT+X Convert marked editor content to upper case
CTRL+SHIFT+Y Convert marked editor content to lower case
CTRL+U Unlock Editor


CTRL-L Jump to line in editor
CTRL-O Launch the quick outline
ALT+LEFT/RIGHT Navigate through the editor navigation history
CTRL+ ; / : Step quickly through the editor markers, like tasks, bookmarks, error markers, ATC findings etc.
F3 Navigate to the definition of the selected element, e.g. variable, method, attribute etc.

Editor Tabs:

CTRL + E Displays a list of all open editors
CTRL + F6 Easily switch between the editor tabs (Like Tab for Windows)
CTRL + F7 Easily switch between all eclipse views
CTRL + F8 Easily switch between the perspectives
CTRL + M Maximize the active editor or viewer to full-screen mode
CTRL+3 Easily open Eclipse views or trigger command via the Quick Access Input field
CTRL+PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN Navigate through the editor tabs forward and backward
ALT+PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN Navigate through the tabs of the class editor between global class, local class and test classes
CTRL + F4 Close the active editor tab
CTRL+SHIFT+F4 Close all editor tabs


CTRL+SHIFT+B Set a line break point in the ABAP editor


In case you need a complete list of all available shortcuts you can use the shortcut CTRL-SHIFT-L in eclipse that opens a small window with a detailed list.Hope there are some interesting shortcuts in the list for you.
Have fun,
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