Update: 18th April, 2018: I updated the link to One Drive. - See below. Please tell me if there are any problems.
If you previously worked with AS ABAP
750, developer edition, you may have noticed that the Start menu in 751 looks a bit different: The ZDEVELOPER role is missing:
This role is not essential – you can still develop happily without it, but it is a convenient way to access the preconfigured Fiori app, EPM applications etc.
So, to upload this role to your own download edition, download the role and instructions from One Drive:
One Drive: ZDEVELOPER Role and Instructions
Unzip this folder and follow the instructions therein! If you have any problems with the zip, please let me know.
NOTE: This is entirely own risk. We cannot provide any guidance or support for any issues that may arise from this upload. Also, this is an issue specific to
download, developer edition. We cannot recommend uploading this role to any other ABAP system.
That said, I have just tested the procedure myself this week, with no problems so far, so I hope you benefit from this.