You can expand your ABAP in Eclipse possibilities with Wicked Shell. Wicked Shell providing direct access to your system shell. It offers you two new views, Shell and Batch. You find more information about Wicked Shell
With the Shell view you have direct access to the command line shell. On this way you can integrate, with a general project and some text files, e.g. scripting development in your ABAP in Eclipse. You can test and run your scripts with the well known commands. After the developing you can e.g. integrate your script seamless in ABAP - look
here how easy it is. With ABAP in Eclipse it is now very easy possible to develop polyglot programs in an ABAP scenario. It is not longer necessary to use other IDEs.
With the Batch File view you can automate your development processes and with a simple mouse click you can run it.
On the same way it is possible to integrate dotNET languages in your ABAP scenario. You find
here a description how to do that - in German language - and
here, but in another context.
ABAP in Eclipse is really a jewel. It offers new dimensions of integration scenarios in ABAP developing.