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Actually most of our innovation capital is learning capital.

grow through learning

The more we strengthen our knowledge and value our people, the more we can generate new knowledge, build greater narratives, deepen discussions, make better connections and build our interactions out across growing communities.

The more we discover, the more knowledge we gain does leads up to determine a potentially better decision-making and value creating potential.

This should, in theory, give greater confidence, both internally and externally, that our invested financial capital is in ‘good hands’.

The power lies in the linkages we can forge, in acquisition, in assimilation and then into eventual transformation, that allows known knowledge to become new wealth-generating innovation.

Our learning capital needs to emerge and dominate future discussions in improving its quality and value contribution. We need to increase incentives for organizations and their people to learn new things or update their existing knowledge.

We need to learn how to articulate knowledge in its acquisition, assimilation and transformation and that comes back to understanding absorptive capacity.

Managing organizational learning and innovation, more ICT is needed.

To successfully manage innovation capital and understand the make-up of the intellectual assets, the new main role of ICT is pulling together Web 2.0/3.0, collaborative technologies, social networking tools, wikis, internal blogging and knowledge capture, so as to help people share this growing body of knowledge through common platforms and electronic storage.

As our social networks expand they become the vital source for intellectual capital and innovation understanding. These relationships and networks need to be fostered, constantly measured in their value and contribution, structured in ways to communicate and interpret outcomes for ‘directing’ future value creation.

The whole promising ‘wave’ of collective intelligence, social networking and building real useful communities of knowledge is a real challenge today to pull together. It is becoming a crucial factor and investing in the physical capital this needs, does allow for people to share knowledge through common platforms and strengthen the knowledge, with the human capital that innovation requires, to drive real growth.

Innovation and its management requires a complete new design, one fit for 21st Centure purpose, not still trapped in 20th design and thinking. Do you agree

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