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As some of you might already know, we will welcome the DTCamp in the AppHaus in Heidelberg on 4th & 5th July.

The DTCamp is a bar camp conference for design thinkers, coaches, facilitators & designers. The DTCamp was started from Stephan Raimer, who is doing a lot design thinking activities mainly in the north of Germany.

You can find more information unter where you can also post a session you would like to do. Could be a classical talk, more interactive sessions or any other format you would like to do. As always at bar camps the audience will decide on the agenda of the day in the morning.

We as SAP are sponsoring this event by providing the space and we are looking forward to welcome a lot of people from all around Germany.

So, what does this mean for YOU?

  • Feel free to invite your personal network to come to Heidelberg these days
  • Post a session and talk about your work or any other related interesting topic

Looking forward to see you at the AppHaus.

Best regards


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