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Based on the explanations in the previous document Starting with ADT SDK is easy - Pt.1 I want to share how you can easily extend your ABAP in Eclipse environment with a simple transaction call. This could be useful just to put a shortcut (otherwise you have to use Alt + F8 and hope that your object is displayed in the history) or even custom transactions (like in Z- or Y-namespace).

How to start?

Just start as mentioned in the document above. Create a new "Eclipse Plug-In Project" and use the "Hello World Command" template. After generating the artefacts we have to take a closer look into the plugin.xml file. You can use your project generated during Pt. 1 as well.


At first we have to reference some predelivered ADT packages. Proceed to the "Dependencies" tab and add the following packages:

We have to declare the usage of this packages because we need some classes later within our implementation.

Implement the transaction call

As the handler class has been generated we just have to implement the execute() method (you can click on the screenshot in order to enlarge it). Please consider that the imported Java packages are only available if the dependencies in plugin.xml were maintained correctly. Have a look at the comments in the coding and just try it out 🙂

You can also refer the attached coding "implementation_001.txt".


Finally a new SAP GUI window should be opened within your Eclipse installation with called transaction SE80:

Of course you must have access to a running SAP backend system to do this. For pure development purposes no backend is needed.

What's next?

As next step we will try to implement a "right mouse click" scenario for objects in the project tree and pass the object name to the transaction. This will follow in Pt. 3.

Maybe you've got some ideas by yourself - just try it out and perhaps you find the time to write a blog about it :smile:

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