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in addition of the very good blog of Etan Rosenberg "the case of sending mails with graph", I want to post this addition.

In attachment the standard abap I wrote Z_BC_MAIL_GRAFIEKEN : it needs to be called from another abap or function. (I attached here Z_BC_MAIL_GRAPH as an example).

It gets the following data:

     subject:       p_sbjct

     from who     p_from

     email to who: internal table lt_emailTo

     tekst content for the mail: internal table lt_Content

     names of the charts to be created: internal table lt_graphname

     names of every bar in the chart (every chart contains the same bars): internal table lt_colName

     data for the bars: internal table lt_data

          data need to be filled as follows:

               graph1-bar1 graph2-bar1 ...

               graph1-bar2 graph2-bar2 ..


The program will create the graphs, put them inline in a mail, and sends the mails out.

This graph was created and mailed using the data from the example abap:

Have fun!

Danny Roussel

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