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You may have heard about ANST (Automated Notes Search Tool) and PANKS (Performance Assistant Notes and KBA Search).

Both ANST and PANKS make it possible to find SAP Notes and KBAs directly from your system, based on the context:

  1. Valid for your system and Support Packages level.
  2. In the case of ANST, relevant for the replicated process.
  3. In the case of PANKS, relevant for the message class and number and the context from which the ABAP message has been prompted.

However, you may not know there is another tool that searches for SAP Notes directly from transaction ST22. Our SAP colleague, peter.john developed this helpful feature some years ago, but still SAP users or “dump victims” are not very acquainted with it. I hope after publishing this article more SAP users will benefit from it.

How “ST22 SAP correction Notes search” works:

It is very simple:
Those dumps belonging to the categories “ABAP programming error” and “Screen programming error” come along with a “Note Search” button:

After clicking on the SAP Correction Notes icon, you will receive a pop up screen with the notes, if found.

In the example above, SAP correction notes will be searched that:

  1. Contain the following search terms: DATA_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE RPULCP00.
  2. Are valid for your system and Support Packages level.

Warning: The “SAP correction Notes” icon does not show up when the dump occurs but only displaying the same dump from transaction ST22.

You will find more information about this new functionality in the following KBA:

2102812 - Search for correction notes in transaction ST22

The following video demo is also available:

A huge thanks to carlos.martinezescribano for putting together this information!

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