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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Do you know this situation: You are working on a development object in your eclipse IDE and you want to know in which transport request this object is locked. For sure the AIE transport viewer is the tool of choice in that case:

In the transport viewer you see all your transport requests and all the objects that are locked within these request.

BUT: In case you have a lot of requests in that list you have an issue. Because you have to open all folders in order to manually do the lookup for the object you are interested in. This takes you a while and you are frustrated about the tool.  :sad:

STOP: Why not use the Filter line on top of the view? Just enter the name of the object (or parts of it) and the tree automatically opens the correct folder and you immediately see the request where the object is locked. This makes you happy again. :smile:

I think this is a very helpful feature !

Have Fun.



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