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Scanning program is used to scan the overall smart forms and display the hard coded values used in windows and initialization and teaches you how to find the nodes exactly where it is placed when you know the name of the node.

  • Reduce manual search through every windows that saves lot of time while migrating old sales organization to new sales organization.
  • Display The Styles Used In The Smart forms
  • Display the sales organization or any other hard coded value details used in conditions of window or code lines.
  • Display with the exact node, window and page of the search string in the ALV format.

  • Need to pass the downloaded XML file in the selection screen or we can use standard program RFRECPSFTLXML and the smart form into XML format.

  • It uses the class “CL_XML_DOCUMENT” to read the inputs that have been provided in the selection screen. This tool converts Parses DOM to XML Stream (String) using the method “RENDER_2_XSTRING”.
  • Using the function module “SMUM_XML_PARSE” it will converts the XML file data into the SAP internal table.
  • Form “SCAN_CODE” is used to find the hard code used in the global data declaration, initialization and form routines.
  • After that we will get the details of pages, windows and nodes used in the smart forms.
  • Table “ZSF_HARDCODE” used to maintain the entries to search for the old sales organization or string need to be searched.
  • It displays Styles used in this particular smart form.

How to Find the Exact Node of the Smart Form:

Please refer the below link,

Trick to Find Any Node in Smartforms - ABAP Help Blog

Note/Need Help:

For temporary purpose I created this program within a week to avoid manual check for so many forms if you have any suggestions to improve the performance or any other feedbacks are always welcome.

One main disadvantage I am facing is if same window name used for next page the name of the form is not coming inside the internal table, system itself assign some unique window name and assign in its internal table.

Not able to find how many standard include text (SO10) are used in the smart forms,

Last But Not Least:

In This table we will give the requires sales organization text

The code have been attached in the document for your reference please find the below sample screenshots. This article has been created due to doubt asked by me in SDN(

Special thanks to “rosenberg.eitan.

I am not able to attach more than three files I have make Top include and selection screen in same file please copy and create separate includes.Thanks for understanding.

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