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This my first Blog with reference to , we will understand the usage, installation steps and how to use SAPlink.

Usage of SAPlink:

  • Used to copy program from one system to another system without any Transport Request.

  • Used to take a back up of program, class and other development.

SAPlink - licensed information are given at every download, created by Gregor Wolf

SAPlink developed along with abapGit, where we can standardize our way of work with abapGit.


Here we start,


Step1: Download link are given in this link and navigate to path trunk -> build.

1. Download the three file mentioned in above path.

2. Create a Executable program, source code from text file from zsaplink_installer.txt and Activate it.

3. Above created program is used to Install the SAPlink software from any one of the nugget file           SAPlink_Daily.nugg or

4. Execute the program and browse open the nugget file with Overwrite check box.

5. After execution all SAP link Class and program from file get installed in our system as shown              below,

  • Installed: CLAS ZCX_SAPLINK

  • Installed: CLAS ZSAPLINK


  • Installed: CLAS ZSAPLINK_OO


  • Installed: PROG ZSAPLINK


6. Activate each file installation above, if any pop of error, click activate any way.

7. Installed: PROG ZSAPLINK, is used to Import and export the nugget files.


HOW to use SAP link installed,

  1. Execute the Installed program: PROG ZSAPLINK

  2. Create the Nugget file at your desktop using the radio button "Create new Nugget" - provide Nugget name and execute.

  3. Now add object to nugget - Object type: PROG, Object name:, Browse and attach the Nugget file create at 2nd step in Nugget file name.

  4. Selected Program Source code transferred to the Nugget file.

  5. We can use the Nugget file to Import in any system.

  6. We can also add development object from Package, Transport request.


Import the Nugget file downloaded,

  1. Radio button to Import Nugget.

  2. Enter package name and choose Nugget file.

  3. Check Overwrite Original if you are Overwriting all.

  4. After execution program will get program downloaded to our new system



Main point about this blog is how to install the system and usage of SAP link 🙂

Hope all you understand the Installation and usage.

Be aware of "Over write original" check box, it will Over write the original existing.


All the Best!!

Sudarshan David




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