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It's another program, where i have use CL_GUI_TIMER class, and based on that displaying the User Login Information in different location.

In this program, at the starting a screen open with maps, which will contains the all user location information, those has been logged on to the system or still login.

The page is refresh after certain time slap, this page refresh information will store in ZGEOKEY table (point 3).

But that too only refresh, where any one of the user information change or any new user login to the system.

AT PBO event.

Creating the Object for the CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER class and considering the whole screen as container.

Call the below Methods to display the Location Information.



Collecting all users’ information from the ZLOGIN Table, based on the Today/ current date and storing into the E_BNAME range table.


     In this method creating an object of CL_GUI_TIMER class and fetching the Refresh Time information from      ZGEOKEY table based on the USER ID (I_BNAME)


     And setting a handle to refresh the Screen through TIMER_FINISH_EVENT method, which is event for the      CL_GUI_TIME.


This method trigger based on the refresh time of the CL_GUI_TIMER object.

Inside this Method again I call the GET_URL method,  and if found,  URL information, then only refreshing the URL information of the CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER class.



        This is the method to get the URL Information, which will display the Google Map with the Users Login Location Information. (Point 5).


Initially only single user login, so the output will display the below map.


After Sometime, i logged with SAP* user, but accessing the system in same location, so forcefully change the location information.


Map will refresh only, if any user will login.

Happy Learning :smile:


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