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Still steps are waiting to follow and find the final output comes. We have to write code which contains google map environment to display Google Map. Now i continue with pending steps...

4. Created a Customized Service to Call the Google Map

     To display Google MAP, I have created a customized service in SICF T-Code to execute an URL from SAP ends. Below is screen, where ZGOOGLE_MAP is the service name.



     The customized service should be in


     It’s HTTP based service, find the more information below.



     Create a customized class and pass in Handler List Tab, here I have created ZCL_GOOGLE_MAP class.



     Inside the class, I have used IF_HTTP_EXTENSION interface and write the code inside the      IF_HTTP_EXTENSION~HANDLE_REQUEST Method.





     Find the Method in attachment; inside the method I have call below methods.



               IF_HTTP_EXTENSION~HANDLE_REQUEST called, when I pass the link in URL. I have maintained                one ID URL,



          By the server->request->get_header_field( name = '~QUERY_STRING' ). system will return the                     "sap-client=000$$000216 information"


          where 000 is the client and 000216 is URL ID.


          Read the URL information, and Passing the into the GET_LOCATION method to get the all Information in           IT_LAT_LONG internal table.


     b. GET_GEO_KEY

This method I already explained under point 3, to get the GEO Key information based on the User ID.



               Aah now it’s came, this is the Final Part of the All Process, through this method; I am creating a HTML                page which contains the Java Script and Google map coding to Display the Google Map and Location                Information.


          Inside this method I have written the code to display the location and while clicking any of the Marker, a           small pop-up (info Window) will open, which will display the User ID and Location Name.

          And the all Information will return in E_JSCRPT parameter.



          And this is the Final Method, through this I am creating a HTML page and passing the java script           information in-between.




          And final, passing html information in below code.


     server->response->set_cdata( data = lv_html ).

SAP User Tracking System - Part 3

Happy Learning.. :smile:


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