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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
This post tells you what you need to know - and do - about the recent migration of SAP Node.js packages to the default registry at

🚨See the Updates section for an important announcement.


Since 2017 SAP has made Node.js packages available at an SAP-specific registry Over the past few weeks the team has been busy migrating these packages to the default public registry

Moreover, updates to SAP packages will in future only be available from the default public registry, and the SAP-specific registry will be phased out.

So now is the time to remove any NPM configuration you may have set to point to the SAP-specific registry for SAP packages.

Do it like this:
npm config delete @sap:registry

(If you're on Windows, you may need to put the @Sisn:registry part in double quotes).

And you're done!


The default package manager for Node.js is the Node Package Manager (NPM). Node.js packages (also referred to as NPM packages) can be made available publicly in registries. The main, default registry is at

For organisational purposes, a package can belong to a scope (think of it as similar to a namespace). The scope starts with an @ sign and is joined to the package name with a slash. For example, the package

is in the @Sisn scope.

Combine this scope idea with the fact that there can be more than one registry (that's why is called the "default" registry) and it means that it's possible to, for example, have packages belonging to a certain scope published to and available at a different registry.

The (now retired) SAP NPM registry

This is the basis of what SAP did three years ago with the launching of the SAP NPM registry - see the post from sven.kohlhaas back in 2017.

On your system, NPM will exist mainly as the command npm, and when you ask it to install a package for you it will download the package from the registry associated with the specified scope.

Here's an example (note that this is how it's worked up until now, for illustration purposes):
npm install @sap/cds-dk

If there's no specific association between the @Sisn scope and the SAP NPM registry where the package was available, npmwould assume and use the default registry at

So we'd set configuration for npm to tell it to use a specific registry for @Sisn-scoped packages, like this:
npm config set @sap:registry=

Now, with the recent migration of SAP packages to the main, default NPM registry at, while the @Sisn scoping of the packages remain, the configuration setting associating the @Sisn scope to the SAP-specific registry ( is no longer required.

Not only that, but it's no longer recommended either, as updates to SAP packages will only be made available on the default NPM registry and the SAP-specific registry will eventually disappear (see the Updates section).

Understanding and making the change

You can examine your NPM configuration with npm config. Here's an example from my machine right now:
▶ npm config list
; cli configs
metrics-registry = ""
scope = ""
user-agent = "npm/6.14.4 node/v12.18.0 darwin x64"

; userconfig /Users/i347491/.npmrc
@qmacro:registry = ""
@sap:registry = ""
depth = 0

; node bin location = /Users/i347491/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.0/bin/node
; cwd = /Users/i347491
; HOME = /Users/i347491
; "npm config ls -l" to show all defaults.

The semicolon prefixed lines are comments, and the chunk of configuration in the middle is my user specific configuration (i.e. settings that I have made) which have been stored in an .npmrc file in my home directory.

You can see two scope/registry settings. The first one is for my own @qmacro scoped packages which are on GitHub (see the GitHub packages feature for more information on this).

The second one is the current (and now unwanted) scope/registry association for SAP packages, there as a result of me running the npm config set command at some stage in the past. It's this association that needs to be removed (so that npm will use the default NPM registry for any @Sisn scoped packages).

So let's do this together now:
npm config delete @sap:registry

This will do exactly what we want, i.e. remove the configuration entry associating the @Sisn scope with the old (retired) SAP-specific registry.

Checking that the change took effect

Now, all npm operations referring to @Sisn scoped packages will use the default registry.

How do you check this? Of course, you can first just re-run the npm config listcommand and check that the @Sisn:registry configuration line has gone.

You can also check this in a more interesting way by asking for information on an @Sisn scoped package, and checking that the information comes from the default NPM registry implicitly.

Here's an example that you can try: npm info @Sisn/cds-dk

This is what the output looks like on my machine right now:
▶ npm info @sap/cds-dk

@sap/cds-dk@1.8.5 | See LICENSE file | deps: 10 | versions: 17
Command line client and development toolkit for the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model

keywords: cap, cds, cli

bin: cds

.shasum: 37673e772df6670b4a021943ef904919385c1b76
.integrity: sha512-mqNy5hDg8M8YeFhF0gjfDVGxrUhrojcbRqUV6rWMocRm8ZKbifFBd6syG56R49NUaiei9lZfsdTX6acOP3DzNg==
.unpackedSize: 1.0 MB

@sap/cds-foss: ^1.2.0 @sap/edm-converters: ^1.0.30 nodemon: ^2.0.2 xml-js: ^1.6.11
@sap/cds-sidecar-client: ^1.1.3 express: ^4.17.1 passport: ^0.4.1
@sap/cds: 3.34.x mustache: ^4.0.1 sqlite3: 4.1.1

- sap_extncrepos <>
- sapnaas <>
- sapnaasuser <>

latest: 1.8.5

published 2 weeks ago by sap_extncrepos <>

The details when you do this may look different as the versions, maintainers and dependencies change over time, but what you want to look for is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the tarball URL:

This confirms that it's the default registry that's in play here.

For the curious

That's about it for this post, but here's a bit more information for the curious.

In case you're wondering, the structure of the npm command set is quite flexible, designed to fit how you think.

For example, with the npm config setcommand earlier, the config word could have been omitted (i.e. npm setworks too).

Some of you sharp-eyed readers will have noticed this comment in my configuration output:
; "npm config ls -l" to show all defaults.

In other words, instead of npm config list you can use npm config ls. Likewise, I could have used npm config rm instead of npm config delete.

And what about this configuration setting (which has nothing to do with package scopes or registries)?
depth = 0

It just tells npm that when it's showing me information on packages and their dependencies, don't display any levels of package hierarchy in the output, as I usually just want to see the top level package information.

For example, I can easily see which packages I've installed globally, like this:
▶ npm list --global
├── @sap/cds-dk@1.8.5
├── katacoda-cli@0.0.20
├── mbt@1.0.14
└── npm@6.14.4

Without this depth setting in my configuration, the output would be a complex hierarchy that is detailed but not what I'm usually looking for:
▶ npm list --global                                                                                                                  
├─┬ @sap/cds-dk@1.8.5
│ ├─┬ @sap/cds@3.34.2
│ │ ├─┬ @sap/cds-compiler@1.26.2
│ │ │ ├── antlr4@4.7.1
│ │ │ ├─┬ resolve@1.8.1
│ │ │ │ └── path-parse@1.0.6
│ │ │ └── sax@1.2.4 deduped
│ │ ├── @sap/cds-foss@1.2.0 deduped
│ │ ├── @sap/cds-reflect@2.11.0
│ │ └─┬ @sap/cds-runtime@1.2.2
│ │ ├─┬ @sap-cloud-sdk/core@1.18.1
│ │ │ ├─┬ @sap-cloud-sdk/analytics@1.19.0
│ │ │ │ ├── @sap-cloud-sdk/util@1.19.0 deduped
│ │ │ │ └── axios@0.19.2 deduped
│ │ │ ├─┬ @sap-cloud-sdk/util@1.19.0
│ │ │ │ ├── chalk@3.0.0 deduped
│ │ │ │ ├── rambda@5.1.1

[... and another 2600+ lines! ...]

(It's rather pleasing to notice the use of the Rambda package here in the SAP Cloud SDK - but that's a story for another time :-))

Share & enjoy!


21 Oct 2021 The official retirement date for is 28 Feb 2022. See Note 3109201 for details.
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