SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access (ALV with IDA).
Overview.. 3
Examples. 3
Example#1: Display Sales Order Details. 3
Example#2: Apply Filtering. 4
Example#3: ALV Display Setting. 6
Example#4: Event Handling. 8
Example#5: Calculation Fields. 12
Example#6: Working with CDS Views. 15
Example#7: Authority Check. 16
Classes/Interfaces: 17
ALV with IDA (SAP List Viewer with Integrated Data Access) helps tables that contain very large quantities of data to be displayed on the UI. The results of operations such as sorting, grouping, or filtering are also delivered with a very fast response time. It uses the in-memory database, such as SAP HANA, without having to switch to a new programming environment. There is no change in the User interface and standard functions (also ALV services). ALV functions are adjusted to the use of in-memory databases. The new general programming model (Coding Pushdown) is also optimally supported when using in-memory databases.
Example#1: Display Sales Order Details
Following example demonstrates how to display sales order with SALV IDA.
Check DB Capabilities
CHECK cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>db_capabilities( )->is_table_supported( iv_ddic_table_name = 'VBAK').
Create IDA
DATA(o_ida) = cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>create( iv_table_name = 'VBAK' ).
Set Maximum Rows Recommended
IF cl_salv_gui_table_ida=>db_capabilities( )->is_max_rows_recommended( ).
o_ida->set_maximum_number_of_rows( iv_number_of_rows = 2000 ).
o_ida->fullscreen( )->display( ).
Example#2: Apply Filtering
Following example demonstrates how to set filter by using
Step#1: Define Selection Screen
Step#2: Convert Parameters and Select-Options to Range table using CL_SALV_RANGE_TAB_COLLECTOR
Step#3: Apply filtering in ALV IDA
Selection Screen
Set Filter
Selection Screen
Example#3: ALV Display Setting
- List of fields to be displayed
- Set Sort Order
- Display Options
- Set Currency Reference Field
Restrict list of fields to be displayed
Step#1 Prepare internal table with list of fields in sorted order
Step#2: Pass the list of fields to SAL IDA
Set Sort Order
Step#1: Prepare table for fields for which sorting is needed
Step#2: Pass the sorted table to SALV IDA
Display Options
Set Currency Reference field
Set the reference fields for currency and quantity fields
Example#4: Event Handling
User interactions on the ALV can be handled by implementing the event handler methods.
- Double Click
- Toolbar Button
Double Click
Step#1: Define Event Handler Class/Method
Step#2: Implement Event Handler Class/Method
Step#3: Enable Double Click for SALV Grid
Step#4: Set Event Handler Method
Implement Event handle method
Enable Double Click and Set Selection Mode
Instantiate Event Handler Class and Set Handler
Toolbar Button
Create own buttons on toolbar
Step#1: Define Event Handler Class/Method
Step#2: Implement Event Handler Class/Method
Step#3: Add button to the Toolbar
Step#4: Enable Selection mode for SALV Grid
Step#4: Set Event Handler Method
1. Toolbar Event Handler Method Definition
2. Toolbar Event Handler Method Implementation
3.Add Button on to the Toolbar
4.Set Event Handler Method
Click on Display Button
Example#5: Calculation Fields
We can also display calculated fields apart from the Standard database table fields using calculation fields
Implement Calculation field Handler
Step#1: Define Structure with custom fields.
In our case we have two calculation fields namely TAXAMOUNT and NETAMOUNT
Step#2: Implement method to get calculation field structure
Register Structure type to the SALV IDA Grid
Step#3: Implement method to get requested fields
What are the database fields needed to calculate the custom calculation fields
Step#4: Implement method to calculate Line
Perform the Calculation
Step#5: Pass the calculation fields handler object to SALV IDA Create method
Example#6: Working with CDS Views
We can use CDS Views as a data source to display data using SALV IDA
CDS Views
ALV Program
Example#7: Authority Check
Authority check can be applied when working with SALV IDA. We have to use the method