This article is relevant to the SAP HCM software component SAP_HRRXX versions 604 and 608
Compliance issue
Search results based on the collective search help PREM in SAP HCM by default may contain sensitive personal data, an unauthorized personnel can access date of birth of an employee with the search results.
SAP HCM offers a standard solution that can mitigate this compliance issue.
- Masking of birthdate and start date of infotype 0002
- birthdates are fuly masked in the search results ( XX.XX.XXXX )
- or only year of birth masked ( 01.02.XXXX )
- This is a standard solution that offers a common approach to all PREM-based search helps
- Customizable to work globally or for HR data in selected personnel areas only
- Easy to implement technically
Consequences of the solution
- All relevant stakeholders should be aligned before introducing this enhancement, as well as to agree on the communication to the user community
- Whenever new personnel areas are introduced, they need to be checked against this compliance issue and included in the solution configuration (V_T77PAD_HIDEBIR).
- Hiding only the year of birth allows HR users to distinguish between employees of identical first and last name.
- The solution is limited to the search help PREM only, this is not a systematic solution to mitigate all personal data risks
- The solution is customizable in PA general configuration under SPRO > Personnel Management > Personnel Administration > Basic Settings > Mask Date of Birth in Search Results
- Use V_T77s0, switch ADMIN BIRTH to enable the solution , 3 states of this switch are available:
- empty - solution disabled (default)
- 1 - birthdates are fully masked ( XX.XX.XXXX )
- 2 - only year of birth is masked ( 01.02.XXXX )
- Use V_T77PAD_HIDEBIR to limit the solution for a list of personnel areas only
Please see the referenced SAP Note for more details.
Referenced documents:
- SAP Note 2170280 - PREM and object manager: Masking date of birth in search results of personnel search