This is a SAP Teched community session at Las Vegas Teched. I'd love to see you here!
Do you have a great new idea that is shut down at your employers or past employers? Do you have coworkers that think you are a bit crazy for wanting to try new things? This session is for you.
Here's the blurb:
"I share how some of my past employer's didn't like new ideas. I'll also share how I wore them down. And how I "gave up", and still learned the new skill.
I'll show you a blog or two I wrote about new things.... It is a never ending cycle to keep learning, but it is hard when you are at a company that doesn't embrace change. (I'm not in one of those companies now.)
Please bring your own experience(s)."
No employers names please. We don't want to burn bridges. But really we do want to build on those skills. We want someone/anyone to share in our excitement of a new language, a new tool, a new... You get the idea.
I've written different blogs at different times - I'll bring those and highlight some of the points in them. I'll also give you ideas on how to be able to use your new skills with your current employer.
Please bring your own ideas with you. If you have something you would like to see/hear add it to the comments and I'll rearrange or add to the slides. If you have a burning question add it here too. I'll be happy to answer if I can. And if you think I'm crazy you can add that too. 😉
Session CT112 - Tuesday 4:15 - 4:30