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Quite some time ago, I posted some blogs about the SAP Advanced SQL Migration tool (originally called 'Exodus'). Lots of things have happened in the mean time -- but it remained quiet on the blog front.

Well, Quiet No Longer!

In the weeks/months ahead, I will be doing a new series of blogs about this powerful SQL migration tool. We have not really given this migration tool much attention, and some folks have described it as "SAP's best-kept secret". We very much want to lift the veil now, and show you what we created.

The most important development has been that we added support for SAP Hana as a target DBMS. Previously, we did not support SAP Hana as were waiting for a number of enhancements to be delivered to Hana's SQL dialect. Consequently, we did not give much attention to the existence of this migration tool.
With Hana 2 SP03 Rev 31, we finally reached that point and since summer 2018, SAP Hana is a supported database. And with the recent release of version 3.3 of the migration tool, various important migration features were added. So let's start talking again about the great things you can do with the SAP Advanced SQL Migration tool.

The main noteworthy points:

  • Teradata was added as a source DBMS

  • Netezza as source DBMS is currently under construction (contact me if you have any Netezza opportunities right now, and we will help you out)

  • SAP Advanced SQL Migration works for migration to Hana-based SQL applications both in on-premise and in the cloud; it will also work for the future Hana-in-the-Cloud product.


To summarize the current capabilities of SAP Advanced SQL Migration at this time (Q2 2019);

  • Supported source databases: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2 UDB for LUW, Teradata, Netezza (under construction)

  • Supported target databases: SAP Hana (Hana 2 SP03 Rev 31 minimum); SAP IQ, SAP ASE, SAP SQLAnywhere

  • NB: Teradata and Netezza can be migrated to SAP Hana only.

Lastly, a video is available of a live-recorded migration from Oracle to SAP Hana. The video has not been edited, other than fast-forwarding through parts that took a few minutes to run (these parts are indicated in the video).



If you want to discuss the possibilities of the SAP Advanced SQL Migration tool, contact

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