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Scenario: Client wants to restrict the user to login from any other terminal except allocated one.

Solution :

Step 1 : Use Function Exit : EXIT_SAPLSUSF_001 which is called immediate after login.

Step 2 : Create Z table which contain User Id, IP Address, and Terminal Name.

Step 3 : call function module  TH_USER_INFO in function exit EXIT_SAPLSUSF_001 include : ZXUSRU01

Here TERMINAL is terminal name and ADDRSTR is IP address

step 4 : If it runs first time add user id, IP address and Terminal Id in table from next time validate from Z table.

step 5 : use function module  WS_MSG to raise error.

step 6 : call 'SYST_LOGOFF' if user is not authorize.

Remarks : Do not use any other method to raise error, because.......

if user is not authorize still he/she can login using Create Session

WS_MSG gives only below options.

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