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Previously I introduced my method log_selection_range as a solution:

But actually, I'm not sure if I have the best design for buidling, logging and using ranges yet.
This is, what I do now:
" 1. fill ranges:
DATA(lr_matnr) = VALUE rseloption( FOR wa IN it_products ( sign = wmegc_sign_inclusive
option = wmegc_option_eq
low = wa-productno ) ) .
DATA(lr_lgtyp) = VALUE rseloption( ( sign = wmegc_sign_inclusive
option = wmegc_option_eq
low = '0815' ) ).
DATA(lr_xy) = get_xy_range( ).
"...add more here.
"2. log ranges:
log_selection_range( iv_name = 'MATNR' ir_range = lr_matnr ).
log_selection_range( iv_name = 'LGTYP' ir_range = lr_lgtyp ).
log_selection_range( iv_name = 'XY' ir_range = lr_xy ).
"3. use ranges:
srv_hu->hu_select_gen( EXPORTING ir_matnr = lr_matnr
ir_lgtyp = lr_lgtyp
ir_xy = lr_xy
IMPORTING et_huitm = DATA(lt_hu_item) ).

Pros I see:
- it's clear what happens, easy to read
- adding another range is easy.

Cons I see:
- adding another range has to be done in 3 places (easy to forget one)
- lots of typing the same thing when adding another range.
- changing has to be done in 3 places. Easy to forget.

How it could be different. Ideas:
- But building and logging together (in 1 method per range, as get_xy_range( ) already hints.
- if we have 1 method per range, we could actually put building and logging and using together.

Like so:
    srv_hu->hu_select_gen( EXPORTING ir_xy    = get_xy_range( )
IMPORTING et_huitm = DATA(lt_hu_item) ).

In this simplified example it looks simple.
But once we have to add parameters to the get_range methods, not so much anymore, I guess?

What do you think?
What is a good design here?
What does CleanABAP say in this regard?

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