This web service is used to query projects. It has the FindProjectByElements operation which is used to query for one or more instances of the project based on the query filter parameters passed.
FindProjectByElements is an operation to query the project data by the selection elements passed in the request.
You can query based on the below elements;
Billable indicator takes the values 'True' or 'False'. To query for projects that are billable, set the value for field IntervalBoundaryTypeCode under the tag SelectionByBillableIndicator to 'True'.
Mandatory Fields:
- In the ProcessingConditions tag, the QueryHitsUnlimitedIndicator field is mandatory, which takes the values 'True' or 'False'.
- IntervalBoundaryTypeCode field is a mandatory field in each of the selection tags. This field takes the values as given in the generic document
- If a large volume of data is to be retrieved, the consumer must implement the retrieval logic in batches. The data can be limited by using QueryHitsMaximumNumberValue field in the ProcessingConditions tag.
- For the selection fields, in each SelectionField tag, the field InclusionExclusionCode takes the values 'E' Or 'I'.
- E- Excluding
- I- Including
Project Types:
The project types provided by SAP are:
Example for using various query paramaters
Query projects based on Project ID:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:glob="">
Query projects based on Responsible Unit ID:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:glob="">