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Object finder Tool

This tool is used to find the objects used inside an object and also it list all the objects within the dependent object of a given object. Along with, this tool also displays the TR associated with it.

  1. Example – PROGRAM à dependents objects à Objects of dependent objects à continues

This tool can be used to get all the standard as well custom objects.


1.    To collect all the dependent objects of a program to transport to next environment. As many members work for a project where in each and every object is created by different persons, it sometimes becomes difficult to know all the dependent objects. In such cases, this tool would be helpful to achieve the goal.

2.    If the dependent objects are known, then it is necessary to know whether the dependent objects needs to be transported or not. For this scenario, this tool helps us know the transport status thereby giving a clear idea whether to move the dependent object to next environment or not.


Selection Screen:

Selection screen comprises of the


1.    OBJECT TYPE of the object and the OBJECT NAME, in question.

2.    OBJECTS TO CONSIDER: The custom objects usually start with ‘Z’ or ‘Y’. A provision is given for the users to include the first letter of the custom objects to be included. ‘L’ is also included in this list as the FM starts with ‘L’.

3.    UNRELEASED OBJECT ONLY CHECKBOX : Provision to list all the TR related to the objects or only the unreleased objects

Output Layout:


              First 2 columns indicate the selection criteria given.

              Next 2 columnsindicates the objects used within an object and also it lists all the objects used within the dependent object.

              4th and 5th cloumns indicate the called objects.

              Remianing Clomuns indicates the TR details of the objects

                         a.    TR Request

                               b.    TR Task

                               c.    Date and Time of the DEV, QA and PRD systems

                               d.    TR Status – RED indicates that it is in DEV, YELLOW indicates that it is in QA and GREEN indicates that is in PRD.


                RED – in DEV, not in QA and PRD

                YELLOW – In DEV and QA and not in PRD


Attached text file contains the code which can be created in any development system and can be used further with few modification to suit your landscape/system.

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