It’s gotten very cold here in Germany, but it’s cozy and warm in the
SAP User Experience Community. So grab a cup of tea and visit us!
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Here are my highlights from the last month:
- A Dozen Designers is about my small blogging project to reveal the diversity of design roles at SAP and give readers a behind-the-scenes look at the people who have a hand in the design of the software you might be using every day.
- Fraport AG, the airport managing group of Frankfurt Airport, is using Design Thinking methods and tools to improve security issues as well as the service at Frankfurt Airport. In Prototyping Better Service at Frankfurt Airport with “Scenes” Gloria Costa reports on how this tool was used and perceived at Fraport.
- Two new posts by Kai Richter about SAP Fiori 2.0
- According to Andreas Hauser, when SAP HANA is combined with design thinking, the result delivers much more than speed – it delivers innovation. Find out more in his post, Design + SAP HANA = Innovation.
- Through a partnership with TurboVote, SAP used research and design to help address low turnout rates among America's young, first-time voters. With over 500,000 new TurboVote subscribers in 2016 alone, the work had real impact. Find out more in Strengthening Democracy Through Design by Tyler Nickerson.
The SAP User Experience Community is a public community dedicated to the exchange of ideas and knowledge about design and user experience. The Community is for everyone interested in design and user experience, so join the conversation!