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Yesterday I had a very interesting and inspiring discussion with two researcher from the Stanford about the AppHaus in Heidelberg regarding usage of space and the importance of space for collaborative and creative (team) work.

As we all know the right space is one important ingredient within our Design Thinking work and we talk all the time about flexible rooms, movable furniture and the need to adjust the room setup based on the changing needs of a team.

During the discussion one interesting observation came up: although the flexible space is always mentioned as important we see a lot of spaces where this flexibility is not used in the possible way - some (a little bit provocative) examples:

  • Changing the setup of a workspace based on changing projects and setups does not happen normally. Nobody is moving desktops every week or every month due to a new project.
  • Setting up a workshop space everytime in a different way does not happen (although every workshop has different goals, team sizes and agendas).
  • Adjusting a workshop space during a workshop does not happen and teamwork, presentations and feedback rounds are done in the more or less same room setup.

These example are for sure too black and white but I definitely  see a interesting contradiction in how "flexible space" is always mentioned as important and how it is used in the end in the reality.

What is your opinion about that? How do you use flexible space in your daily work? How much time do you invest in the right workshop space setup? How often do you change it? What are your learning and recommendations regarding flexible space?

Looking forward to your comments :smile:

Best regards


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