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Hi abapers greetings to all,

   The intention here is to do a sample test Sorting of Multiple Implementations of a Kernel BADI.

   A pre-requisite of knowing Kernel BADI basics is required.

   So, I have defined a Enhancement Spot ZDPK_KERNEL_BADI_SORT_EHN

Create Badi

  A Badi defined by the name ZDPK_KB_SORT_DEF with an interface as


Badi definition and Interface

   Create Implementation.

   My Badi interface Contain only one Method without parameter.

   And am creating multiple implementations of my badi and activated also.

   I have created two implementations and just printing implementation and number of


   Implementation 1:

    Implementation 2:

   Create one report Program for testing Purpose and Execute it.


    Without sorting badi implementation output

Now we need to change the sequence of Badi Implementation.

For that we need to Screen Enhancement to create a layer screen.

Now we need to create a Implementation in BADI_SORTER.

      Create Badi implementaion and Implementing Class

      A Sample implementation Class has been provided already. Just copy that class.

     Create Filter Combination.

      Am providing Filter value for my implementation.

    Am adding screen Enhancement for my Badi. Go to Screen Enhancement.

    SAPLENH_BADI_SORTER_SUBSCREENS this is one of the Standard Program.

    Some different screen there under the Standard Program. Now am using screen number 2000.

     Activating my implementaion.

     Go back your Badi implementation.

     Now you can see additional sub-screen with the title Layer.  Now you choose your


     which implementation need to execute first and last.

     Filter value as ‘2’ for my First Implementation.

     First Implementation

     Filter value as ‘1’ for my Second Implementation.

      Second Implementation

      Am activating my Badi implementation.

      Go to report Program and Executing it.

With sorting Badi implementation Output

I hope abapers will understand badi sorter with multiple implementation.

Please provide your feedback and your thoughts into comment section below.

Do you have any Q&A please reach to and post your



Prabhakaran D.

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